
What Is Cannabis Or Marijuana?

First, marijuana and cannabis are the same thing. The latter is merely the scientific or politically correct term. Of course, many people have likely heard it called other names as well. These include…

•         Herb, Pot, Grass

•         Mary Jane, Ganja, Bud

•         Weed, Hemp, And Hashish 

Regardless of the title people decide to give it, it is still marijuana. But, what is it exactly? Don’t fret if you do not know the answer as you are probably not the only one. Instead, read further to learn more because everything will be explained here, in layman’s terms, to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what cannabis is and what it does.

Where Does Cannabis Come From?

Marijuana originates from the cannabis plant known as cannabis sativa. It grows in the wild in temperate and tropical locations. However, the plant can actually be raised in almost any climate. Many growers choose to farm marijuana indoors with hydroponic technology to assure that the weather outside doesn’t harm the plants. This method allows individuals to achieve stellar results in any climate.

Why Do People Use Marijuana?

Cannabis contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is the reason why most people use the substance. It gives them a euphoric effect that many folks refer to as a high. The THC is typically found in the resin of both the buds and leaves of female plants. Some users choose to smoke marijuana in cigarettes that they hand roll known as joints. Sometimes, the dried flowers and leaves are even placed in a water bong or pipe to smoke. These are not the only ways to use cannabis though as it also comes in the form of edibles and oils.

Although more research needs to be completed, marijuana is proving to have medicinal purposes as well. Aside from THC, the plant also contains over 500 other chemicals. More than 100 of the compounds are known as cannabinoids. These composites are perfect for relieving various symptoms such as nausea, inflammation, pain, and anxiety. As of yet, the FDA has only approved one cannabidiol for medical purposes, Epidiolex. It is used to treat seizures in patients at least 2-years of age with Dravet or Lennox-Gestaut syndrome.

Cannabis alters the user’s mood and often enhances the way they view the environment around them. For instance, after using marijuana, everyday activities like watching television or listening to the radio can become more intense and pleasant. Short-term side effects may include but are not limited to…

•         Dry Mouth And Throat

•         Red Eyes

•         Increased Appetite

•         Drowsiness

•         A Feeling Of Well-Being

Public Opinion Of Marijuana Has Changed Over The Years

According to The Brookings Institution, support for legalizing marijuana has grown over 20 points in less than a decade. In the past three years alone, it has risen 11 points. Thus, Americans that are for the legalization of cannabis hold a small margin over those that oppose it. Even with the added support, the Drug Enforcement Agency still classifies marijuana as a schedule I drug. In other words, they believe it meets the following criteria…

•         The Substance Has A High Risk Of Abuse

•         It Is Not Considered As An Acceptable Medical Treatment

Marijuana Lacks Safety Standards Under Medical Supervision This classification puts cannabis in the same category as far more dangerous substances like LSD, heroin, and bath salts. Still, even with the federal scheduling, many states have chosen to legalize marijuana for either recreational or medicinal purposes. For now, the government has decided not to intervene and allows the states to decide how to handle the situation for themselves, which means there are likely many others to follow in the steps of places such as Colorado and the District of Columbia.

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